Tim Arbo

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since May 18, 2014
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Recent posts by Tim Arbo

Good Heavens, Tristan.


I'm down here outside Belfast.

I'm just hankering to do some work on my 2 acres.

First, the family requires the woodstove installed. That'll take the edge off the oil bill.

How do you like this heat wave?


10 years ago
Hey Craig!
Thought I'd check in to see how you're doing. I hope you're all dug out.
What plans do you have for the winter?
Got a little busy with starting a new job and having a baby and all.
Didn't get to clearing out some trees before snowfall, but hey, winter's when all the pros do it, right?
I acquired a tiny jotul I get to install in the house.
Been shopping around for a generator too.
That was quite the harvest you pulled in!

What have you been up to as of late?

10 years ago
The entire summer has elapsed and I thought I'd resurrect this thread to check in with all y'all.
How'd your summer go? How's your landscapes treating you? All done harvesting?

10 years ago

We've got mostly wooded slopes, and I would like to eventually get some of that reclaimed.
It's a mix of old pines, some oaks, cedars, birches and newer stuff.
Here's my rough plans:
Chickens>Goats>Pigs, in that order, to clear some of the areas. Of course, this is over some time.

I'd like to swale it up some and perhaps make a little farm pond.

Any suggestions?

Also! MOFGA has this: http://mofga.org/Default.aspx?tabid=302

Sounds like a rootin' tootin' good time.
10 years ago
Hey Craig!

I just bought a house in Waldo, and would love to swing by and check your place out sometime. I'm a local landscaper - mowing, primarily - but really appreciate the permie way. We've got 2 acres here and I'd love to look over what you've done and steal your ideas.
10 years ago