Herdis Vals

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since May 22, 2014
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Recent posts by Herdis Vals

how effective are the water jugs in moderating the heat?
10 years ago
Hi Thomas, thank you for the reply
the reason for the temperate climate is because we get the warm gulf stream that warms up the island during winter but also cools the summers.

If I were to use external heating I would use the runoff water from our house. We use hot geothermal water to heat up the house and currently we have plumping under the pavement next to our house and use the warm runoff water from the heating system to keep the pavement snow and ice free during winter (sounds crazy I know!). It could easily be extended to were I want to build the greenhouse.

But I'm also interested in passive ways to keep the greenhouse warm during the cold spring/summer/fall nights.
10 years ago
Is anyone here in the far north that has tried out a walpini / pit- greenhouse and would like to share their experience? I have been scouring the internet without any luck. I'm located in Iceland, latitude 64°. Here the summers are cool and winters are mild. Summer averages around 10°C and winter averages between 1 - 2°C. I'm mainly thinking of using the walpini/pit-greenhouse to extend the growing season and use the thermal mass to keep the greenhouse warm during the night. This would not be a used for a year round production since that would require grow lights.

I realize my climate is a bit unusual, being this far north without extreme frost.
10 years ago