Robb Smith

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since May 29, 2014
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Indianapolis, Indiana USA
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Recent posts by Robb Smith

So far I have watched 15 of the first 25 videos, and I have already gotten my money's worth. While I haven't been on here long enough to have established this, over time you guys will find that I can be a bit of a tight wad and more than a bit of a curmudgeon when I feel cheated. No worries here.

long and short- send Diego money and see some really good lectures.
10 years ago
youtube link to Monsanto Boogie

This is posted with the bands express permission, they want everyone to see it.
10 years ago
Even with slow absorption swales would help with the drainage problem. This would be especially true if you put very thirsty trees in the berms.
10 years ago
I am another Hoosier Permie. I am located on the east side of Indianapolis. I am definitely interested in meeting all of you (that I haven't already) and trying to make some positvive motion in the central Indiana area.
10 years ago