O Crosby

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since Jun 03, 2014
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Andrew Parker wrote:I don't have a wayback machine, but if my memory serves me, the definition of wofati has evolved somewhat over time. Insulation of the sheltered mass, as one would with a Hait inspired umbrella (PAHS) home, seems to have become minimized or abandoned altogether, now emphasizing the R-value of the dry dirt itself.

OK this is news to me. I would love if anyone could point me in the right direction here. My understanding of the Wofati is that if you surround the building with enough thermal mass it will hold the energy from one season through the next. The idea being that inside you will maintain a steady average. You don't have to build an air-tight, insulated building if you are surrounded by enough earth.

Did this not work out with the Wofati prototypes that Paul (et al) built?
9 years ago
The average temperature in Canada's capital (Ottawa) is a balmy 6 degrees Celsius (42.8 degrees Fahrenheit). Wouldn't a Wofati be really fuckin' cold? Even if the windows were open during the entire month of July (which averages 20°C), I can't imagine the thermal mass would get hot enough to maintain a comfortable temperature. Am I misunderstanding how this works, or is it simply not a viable design for colder climates?

9 years ago