I would like some insight into racoon behavior, please. We have about 10 that troll our property every night. We live in a large urban city that is definitely in the running for being the racoon capitol of NA. I have a large hugelkultur bed, built about three feet in height and dug down to a depth of about two feet. Racoons have discovered that the worms in these beds are delicious, especially the ones that live in the potato section. I have tried every kind of deterrent possible-hot peppers, coyote and wolf pee, but these critters are determined and they continue to rip away at the roots of the tomatoes while searching for their worms. We have also tried relocating the critters but frankly that just feels futile. The beds are a mess, meaning all the no-till benefit of these hugel beds are now compromised. Deer, possums, three bunnies and a few voles also trouble them, but these critters do not compare to these masked bandits. Feeling discouraged about this wonderful new gardening method ad this very unexpected outcome. I would like to continue this method as a service to the earth, if nothing else. I know someone will suggest that a fence is the only option and, well, perhaps this is true.