jane four

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since Jun 29, 2014
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S Haze wrote:Hi!

Does anyone have any proven or unproven, EASY, ways to make their insulated leather work gloves last longer. For the past several years it seems like I go through about 3 pairs each winter. The fingers and palms wear all the way through until the insulation starts wearing away too and then my fingers start getting cold really quickly. This seems very wasteful and they usually cost around $15 a pair.

I don't feel like spending my limited time mending or doing intricate sewing so I'm trying to come up with a quick way to get at least a little more mileage out of my gloves. Maybe tape could work but I don't want sticky stuff on everything I pick up or wherever they get thrown off at. I'm fairly certain that other permies have dealt with this same little problem so I'm hoping there are some good suggestions out there!

-Scott Haase

I have actually heard of some people scotch guarding their gloves...not sure if it would work but it couldn't hurt! Spraying them with hairspray on the outside of the gloves will help them be tougher on the outside. You may need to do this a few times (letting them dry in between each repetition), the hair spray might make them a little stiff so you'll need to bend them up a little bit, but where the edges are frayed is where you especially need the hairspray.
10 years ago