Tony Valcarcel

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since Jul 08, 2014
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I'm a tech guy who lives diet under my fingernails.  I love communities.  And if love it if someday I my kids could play outside while knowing the whole community is watching for them. 
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San Antonio, TX
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Recent posts by Tony Valcarcel

We live in North Carolina and just met a lady who owns a big chunk of land. We're going to be meeting in the near future to discuss interest levels for launching an intentional community.
There is no real "theme" or central "ideal" to it. We will likely go for GREEN almost everything, but outside of that, we like the benefits of modern-day life.

With that said, what are the first big steps of getting the ball rolling?
What are some questions we should definitely survey at our first get-together?
Is there anything/anyone that we should definitely filter out of the vision? (By "anyone" I mean certain personas, archetypes or personalities)

Thank you!
7 years ago

We are a couple in our early 30s with a 2 y/o son.

Both of us are Grad Students and Full-Timers seeking a quiet, clean, infestation-free home.

She works with a church and with a large local non-profit music organization. Starts her Masters at UTSA this Fall.
I am an on-and-off Full-time Army Reservist and Independent Business Consultant working on his Masters in Marketing.

As busy as we are, we are very family-oriented and somewhat "earthy" people.

HERE'S THE PERMIES PART: I am also a carpenter, painter and a gardener (produce, not so much flowers). Willing to exchange services as/if needed.

-1 or 2 bedroom apartment/pool house/family home/or any other creatively-laid-out living space
-Private bath
-Own kitchen
-No over-the-top infestations
-Ok for 1 Cat (neutered)

Please message us here on Permies, thanks!
10 years ago
Thanks for posting this discussion. We're in a similar situation as Danny in that we don't have the capital to contribute to purchasing property or big-ticket equipment/material. But I have specific skills that I think would interest the community. Please reach out.
10 years ago