Tony DeFilippo

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since Jul 11, 2014
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Alexandria, and Winchester, VA
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Recent posts by Tony DeFilippo

As long as the topic is Black Walnuts I hope Simon doesn't mind if I request to broaden the question a bit. I've got a 5 gal bucket of black walnuts I've been collecting all summer with the intention to process them in the fall and I recently noticed that most have turned black or are growing some sort of mold. Are they done from a human consumption perspective or is the nut still good once I get crack it open?

10 years ago
Hi there Permies,

First new thread here, I finally joined after so many of my internet searches kept bringing up good data from this board. I've got a question about a front yard, south facing bed adjacent to my home that I just sheet mulched. I'm in Northern VA, Zone 6B and the old bed had a mix of spring bulbs and weeds. The bulbs were getting sparse and I decided to start over rather than try and rehabilitate. My sheet mulch consists of;

-Cut down greens that were growing in the bed
-Green fresh cut weeds and plants (lots of bulb leaves) from around the yard)
-Cardboard 60%, newspaper 40% - it'll be interesting to see the performance of the two different areas going forward
-1" manure
-1" peat moss
-4-6" hardwood mulch
-4-6" fresh hay
-4" hardwood mulch

I'm really excited about seeing this bed perform in the coming years!

My after the fact question comes from a desire to limit any edge encroachment by the yard grass. This was a problem in the pre-sheet mulched bed and while it is effectively smothered I'm wondering if I shouldn't get a ring of either ground cover or possibly some fall planted bulbs (crocus and daffodil) as a border. The spring plantings I'm planning consist of blueberry, lavendar, possibly azaelea or rhodedendron.

So my main question is if I'm planting bulbs into a freshly sheet mulched bed, especially in the cardboard section, can I plant them 'over' the cardboard or do I need to poke holes? There is a good 18ish inches above the cardboard so that seems way to deep. Do I need to make a 'trench' of decent compost/topsoil to plant the bulbs in above the cardboard? Any thoughts would be much appreciated!

10 years ago
Hi Steve,

I'm excited about your book, great timing for me as I'm in the process of buying a small woodland parcel right now!

10 years ago