John Saltveit wrote:I eat plum pits. I eat them because they have the cyanide in them. Many MDs who have studied this issue believe that this particular form of cyanide goes into the body and only becomes bioavailable at the site of cancer within the body, which every adult over 30 has. It then destroys the cancer. Dr. Tony Jimenez recommends eating 16 apricot pits a day as a prevention to cancer. I eat about 25 each summer. This relates to the amygdalin/ laetrile controversy of the 1970's. Many holistic doctors have looked into the research and found that FDA/establishment cancer centers intentionally and dishonestly set up the research in order to prove that laetrile doesn't work, so they could preserve the profits from more financially profitable forms of cancer treatment. These compounds are quite common in regular foods, like millet and almonds.
Check out "The Truth about Cancer."
John S
Chris Kott wrote:I have found three things really improve the quality and useability of my posts.
1) Avoid posting when angry. Don't respond until you've calmed down. I remember one conversation I had, I think with Miles Flansburg, about which I apologised after, and was truly ashamed about. I know that we all get passionate about the things we post, otherwise we wouldn't invest so much time in it. In that same vein:
2)Avoid ad hominem arguments. If you find yourself unable to state your point without the word "you," something has probably gone off the rails.
Fredy Perlman wrote:I have a friend near Hot Springs, MT who teaches at convergences about working dogs. She's bred and worked with many, and might know of someone not too far from you who can find a litter. Would you like me to ask if I can give you her info?