Steve Goodgame

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since Jul 13, 2014
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I've had very little luck with that at local nurseries. One of the big box stores doesn't sell them at all. The other one, I just haven't timed well.

Jane Reed wrote:Kyle, I'm doing the same thing... growing apples from seed which I want to use for grafting experiments in future.  This may be an answer to the original point of this post.  Fruit trees grown from seed, which thrive, are therefore well suited to one's own growing conditions.  And, they're free.

Another point about local nurseries is that you may be able to find off season bargains there. One local big box place will NOT sell anything at a discount, even ragged plants that can be saved. They are all thrown away.  My local nursery has their "bargain basement" where tired plants (annuals, perennials, and trees) are discounted.  Two years ago I got a potted Honeycrisp apple for $15.00, a $10.00 savings. Some of their perennials are discounted $3.00-4.00.  

7 years ago
Thanks for the replies. John, I had not seen those lists before. Thanks for sharing those. I have several trees on my 20 acres, but lost several a few years ago to a fire, and am looking to replace them. I like fruit trees because I believe that planting plants that provide food is just smart. I do have some ornamental/flowering plants for my bees as well.

Thanks everyone for the info/links.
7 years ago
I am looking for a good bare root supplier of fruit trees. My Google Fu comes up with a huge number of them. Some of them are really expensive, like more than what I can get a potted fruit tree of the same variety for locally if I wait until spring. I am trying to make this go on a budget, so I'm hoping to save some money by going bare root. I did purchase some last year from an online company, and the results were less than stellar. The reviews of that company look horrible over the last year, so I was not alone there.

Does anyone have a good supplier in mind that has decent stock for a good price? Thanks in advance.

7 years ago