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Shannon Cline

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since Jul 16, 2014
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I've made a few mistakes with our monster garden this season and I'm looking fix them before my garden is a total loss.

The spot we picked out was part of our cow pasture as recently as end of April. Early May we had it tractored and tilled up and started planting. It's been a huge chore pulling weeds and grass and while the squash and peas are keeping the weeds down some, we are still up to our eyeballs around the tomatoes and in the area between the rows.

I refuse to use chemicals and now I'm at a point where there are a couple spots we didn't get planted and I want to reclaim that for more veggies. The weeds are too tall to till or hand pull and I've tried the scythe, grass whip, weed eater and tiller ... But it's more than I can do.

I guess I'm needing ideas on how to get these weeds and grass up and gone so I can utilize the rest of the growing season and them start over and do it right for next year.
10 years ago