Hi Tim
We currently have 68 hectare on 2 title deeds. we have consolidated and then subdivided the property so as to be able to keep a 20 hectare section we want, and be able to sell the other at a later stage.
The Farm is 35Km from town and 45 from where we live, on a 6 hectare small holding which was out of town when we bought but now boarders on a housing estate.
Some thought on clearing the wattle and mistakes I have made. The farm was effectively unused for more than 10 years when I bought it and the Black Wattle had taken over, I let somebody cut firewood and they stacked the brances on the land in piles. I did not want to burn so left the piles. The wattle now came up like grass and is 3m high in 2 years. I am unable to get in with a wheeled tractor because of the risk of puntures from stumps left in the land. What I believe I should have done was originally remove some of the trees in the thickly wooded areas and planted in between the remaining trees then ringbarked the remaining wattle and let them die in place, after what I had planted had established itself . This is not my idea but Shane of Terra Khaya in the Hogsback, and it seems to be working for him.
I have been using a Stihl 50cc brush cutter with a tugsten tipped circular saw blade to cut down trees up to about 100mm in Dia. It works really well as long as the blade only touches the wood. The blades are about R80 from the local Agri supply store. I have a number of chain saws but my favourite is an Stihl MS 250 I think still on special at R4000, punted as an ocasional user saw, but it is very light and more than powerful enough to cut any but the very biggest wattle on the property. I have hired a crawler to push fire breaks and found the saw very usefull in cutting down the trees into about 6 m lenghts ahead of the tractor otherwise they stack up in front on the blade and catch on the trees still standing next to the firebreak wasting time that I have to pay for.
I will try to put up some photos over the weekend