Hi Natalie Glad that you are coming to the PDC. There are so many books out there now. Bill Mollisons A designers manual is probably the Biggie in fact its huge at over 500 pages and most PDC's are usually based on the chapters in the book . I like The Late Toby Hemenways Gai's garden, Bills "An introduction to Permaculture or permaculture 2, Roesmary Morrows Earth users guide to permaculture most of these are a little dated but a bit more digestible than the designers manual. If you look in the course info section you should see a list of things to bring like torches sturdy boots gloves etc. If you are talking about the actual design then i will be providing high quality paper, tracing sheet,s pencils etc as there is an expectation that you will end up with a design that you would feel proud to present .