Dear Kaleigh,
I don't know if the message went through the first time, so now that I found the "post reply" button, I sending it again.
I came across your inquiry and this blog while searching the internet for local people who are also into urban micro-farming. I am in the process of doing a lot of research, getting familiar with the major players in this field, and some knowledge of the major methodologies. I would like to get to know all the local players in this field (and others like-minded) and network with them, exchanging useful knowledge and mutual support.
It looks like the replies you’ve gotten so far have wise and valuable advice. I will add to them.
Methods and Foundations
You should get somewhat familiar with:
a.) Square Foot Gardening Method, developed by Mel Bartholomew and the Square Foot Gardening Foundation.
b.) Mitteider Method developed by Jacob Mittleider and the Food for Everyone Foundation.
c.) Grow Biointensive Method developed by John Jeavons and Ecology Action. Their main training farm is in Wilits California.
d.) SPIN Farming developed by Wally Satzewich and his SPIN organization and the SPIN Corps.
SPIN Corps:
On Wally’s SPIN website is a list of members of the SPIN Corps. They educate, counsel, and assist people in their pursuit of starting up spin farms and getting them working. The nearest one listed is Ed Garrett in Davis California, and he can give you valuable advice by phone, and probably on site if you wish (I imagine they might charge something, or maybe not so much. Probably you could get a truckload of valuable advice for free over the phone.). Email him at
I think the quickest, easiest results would probably be had from the Mittleider Method, which might not be considered 1000 % organic in some people’s opinion, but looks like a surefire and very ecologically responsible method for healthy, high quality, nutrient dense vegetables.
Regarding Mel’s website, you can look up local certified Square Foot Gardening instructors who can coach you in getting started in SFG Method. They are mapped out, with distances shown. I see the one closest to you is Erin Mcclure at about 12 miles away. His email is
For others go to
If you get certified in SFG Method (as I plan to eventually get around to) then the SFG Foundation will authorize you to use their trademarks as part of your services. You can train others in the method, make, sell, and install SFG materials, kits, planters, and systems, and you can even possibly make money in the process. And you will be able to put yourself in the database for other people seeking instruction to look up. Right now the map shows only 5 certified instructors of SFG within a 25 mile radius of Culver City, and only about a dozen total within the greater Los Angeles/Orange County area. If you got certified you would be the only one within 11 miles. Perhaps one way you could make your tiny micro-farm more economically viable would be to use part of it as a training center. It is not expensive or difficult to get certified in SFG. Maybe it would be easier to grow a network rather than form a network.
You could do something similar if you joined the SPIN Corps. In that case you’d be the closest SPIN Corps instructor within a few hundred miles. However, you will need first to have at least one season of selling your produce from your working SPIN farm to qualify.
You know, if you were game for it, you could conceivable become one of the main leaders of the Urban Farming Movement in Southern California.
Local Farms:
And yes, in fact, there actually are farms around here inside the city areas of Los Angeles. You should go visit them and volunteer to help out and let it rub off. Maybe eat lunches with the farmers and hang out with them, and let them know entirely what you are aiming to accomplish.
1.) Silver Lake Farms
Check out Tara’s website and read it to know her story. She grows flowers and edibles, and is into the CSA stuff, and does workshops. She is micro-farming on a small piece of land, like you want to do, 13
miles away. Call her at 323-644-3700.
2.) Amy’s Farm
If you search Wally’s website you would find a SPIN farmer reasonable local enough to drive to. Amy’s Farm is about 50 miles straight shot east along the 10 and then the 60 freeways to Ontario. There’s maps to show how to get there. Call her at 909-393-2936.
3.) The Urban Homestead
One of your replies referred you to the Path to Freedom, as well as Ron Finley. Don’t just look at their websites. Look at their calendar of events. The Dervaes of Pasadena have gatherings at their house several times a month (“hootnannies” and workshops). Go there, meet the Dervaes family. Bring a quick rough pencil sketch of your garden and the 2000 sq/ foot parcel you seek to plant. The Dervaes are 20 miles away. Garden size: 1/10th an acre 3900 sq. feet. It is not even twice as big as your 2000 sq. feet. They are doing it, doing it well, have been for years. Maybe you can go lend them a hand. They make $20,000 a year off selling the surplus, beyond providing about half of their food needs for a family of 4. You couldn’t ask for better mentors.
Ron Finley:
You can drive out to his house in South Central and check it out, eat off of what’s growing in his front yard and parkway. You can also talk to him about helping out at his upcoming planting events, where he deploys a crew of volunteers to transform vacant city lots and odd parcels of land into edible gardens. Call him at 818-646-658.
Check out their website and youtube videos. They are located 17 miles away and they design, install, manage, and consult for urban farms, mostly in Los Angeles and very recently in the San Francisco Bay area. The website shows they are interested in hiring for a part time job opening for the position of urban farmer. Even though the add says the deadline for submitting an application was July 4th, it is likely the position might still be unfilled. You probably qualify, and the experience could be invaluable, with the time invested paying for itself directly. Even if the position is filled, you should still get familiar with this company.
There is a non-profit organization affiliated with the Small Business Administration called SCORE (Service Corp Of Retired Executives) who volunteer their spare time to help counsel, educate and guide people starting or managing their own small businesses. This public service helps the economy by helping small businesses succeed, creating jobs in the process. You get as many 1 hour counseling sessions as you feel you need; and for free. They also conduct inexpensive workshops too. They have mentors in many areas of experience. They have branches all over Los Angeles, including Culver City, where they meet at the city hall. You can go see any mentor in SCORE for help with your businesses and any prospective business ideas.
Whittier Fertilizer:
Check them out, in Pico Rivera. They have large bulk quantities of stuff and sell by the ton or cubic yard too, including pumice, redwood shavings, vermiculite, etc.
As for me:
As for me, I live in San Pedro, but when my health has permitted it, I teach a few subjects to the children at the BOND Leadership Academy, which is a wonderful little school located in Culver City. One of my subjects is urban farming. The first of several class objectives is to get each child to build a small (something like 4’x4’) raised bed Square Foot Garden, at their homes or reasonably nearby, and put them in charge of managing it. Then they will grow some food for their families, but gradually will learn to run their tiny micro-farm as a business. This will include marketing some of the vegetables and keeping financial records, drawing up budgets and examining their financial statements as a basis of making business decisions. Of course their profits will also be tiny, at least to start, but a few dollars a week means a lot to a child, and they will have the option of expanding their tiny businesses as far as their profitability (and the market) will allow. They will be doing all this while becoming familiar with plant biology and skilled in the Square Foot Garden Method. Mixing and testing soils, grafting, hand pollination, pruning of vegetables, and other good stuff will all be part of it. (Last semiester I had them get experience hand pollenating zuchinni). I want them to get an initial grounding in the Square Foot Gardening Method. After some point we will phase into the Mittleider Method and then other systems.
Maybe you can even come and speak at our little school sometime, or perhaps allow us to take the students on a field trip to visit your little urban farm? Check it out:
I would like to drive out visit your little garden sometime, and even lend a hand. However, I’m afraid for the time being, I’m probably going to be pretty useless for a while, and not as mobile as I’d prefer, due to some medical issues. I may likely elect soon to have some overdue surgery, and for now I really must focus on my health and put other matters aside until I am sufficiently recovered. But for now I can at least give out some advice, while scanning the internet for systems, resources and future networkers.
Useful Links:
I have accumulated some lists of links and internet videos (mostly youtube) that may be helpful which I will share with you, and everyone else on this blog. They are listed below. You might want to click on each one in turn and add them to your bookmarks, in a special folder; that way it will list both the descriptive titles of each link next to a column of each website address. This makes it so much easier to figure out which one is which, and also it is so much more convenient to access these thru your own bookmark lists rather than having to try to find them in some old blog reply.
I hope to see you go forward and really get somewhere with this fascinating realm of urban farming. I encourage everyone to take a personal role in the understanding, growing, controlling, and enjoying of our food supply.
I think you’ve got enough to chew on for the present.
Happy Urban Farming!
David Cracchiolo
Urban Farming List
Urban Farming List 2