Alexander Darr

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since Aug 26, 2014
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SW and Northern Virginia
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Recent posts by Alexander Darr

Putting out a request for a nearby yard to camp in or other free accommodations, I am a young Permaculturist from VA, just starting his own business and working with Mark Shepard and Kevin Muno's new company RAD, attending the conference for networking purposes. Thanks!
9 years ago
Very interesting to find this today, I have been following a similar line of research into locating surviving fragments of his orchard. I have sent requests to the organization hosting his archives, please pass on any info you find, and I will as well. Let me know if you want to team up for an expedition!

10 years ago
Hi Eric

I met you at your home earlier this Summer along with a group of apprentices from Ben Falk's farm in VT, I just wanted to say hey and thank you again for the great day and your generosity with plant tastings. We all had a great time and I hope to see you this October (Hopefully I'll win the drawing!!), my stay in Vermont is done next week and I'll be heading back to my home in Virginia to figure out how to get my own regenerative farm enterprise going. I look forward to the discussion on this forum.

10 years ago