Nicholas Burtner

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since Sep 04, 2014
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Recent posts by Nicholas Burtner

So here is the deal.

Most people do not have a clue on where to begin the actual research needed to do an appropriate landscape assessment or inventory.

And most people sometimes do not realize that a landscape assessment is essential BEFORE doing any type of design, let alone building anything, earthworks, or putting a spade in the ground.

I created a tool which gives you the categories to focus on and the questions that need to be answered for each category.
The tool then provides links and resources for where to find answers to the questions the tool asks. And an area to paste your data or images.
There isn't anything on the market like it. And it is very useful for the serious person who desires to stay informed and organized about their landscape, or landscape for others like a designer or consultant.

Here is the link to the tool which is bundled into a two hour course which has descriptions and some video: Check out the reviews!

And here is a youtube video of me using the tool for a farm in Kentucky:

6 years ago
October 17-19, 2014

find out more and sign up here

Knowledge filled meaningful experience is what is at store at this autumn’s earthworks course in Dallas, TX. School of Permaculture has teamed up with Divine Kinship (a non profit) to build a food forest for the homeless right here in South Dallas.

We have been granted land use over a very beautitul piece of land in the south side of Dallas, TX. We will have an excavator on site so you can see close up how to make swales in real life application with larger equipment. (same principles can used used with a shovel in your backyard or with 50 excavators and bulldozers on 5000 acres of land)

You will learn and get very in depth understanding of earthworks, water, and animals systems in permaculture. We will split the days up into “on site evaluation and hands on training” and “classroom learning” which consists of the following:
-Principles and Design
-Climate effects on different earthwork features
-Map allocation
-Animal Integration
-Soil Conditioning
-Types of earthworks
-Soakage systems
-Roadage and access
-Earthwork features and connetions
-Machinery and operators
-Installation process
-Surveying, marking, and pegging sites

Each day will start at 9:00 am and conclude at 5:00 pm with your certification being presented at the end of the course.

Camping is allowed on site and there are a number of hotels nearby if you need accommodations.

Certifying Instructor: Nicholas Burtner

Registration: Only $350 To register – email or call 214-856-8477
Course must be fully paid before attendance.

You can pay by credit card via paypal at school of permaculture's earthworks page

Or you can pay by check by mailing your check to this address.
Make sure to email us your name and that you are mailing us your check.
School of Permaculture
4020 N. MacArthur Blvd
Ste 122-237
Irving, TX 75038
10 years ago