Graham Knight

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since Sep 06, 2014
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Recent posts by Graham Knight

Has anyone got advice on feeding compost to tiger worms that are then eaten by hens or other poultry?
My query is how this is done without the hens eating all the worms?
Is there a way of limiting the amount of worms and compost turned over by them?

Graham Knight
8 years ago
I'm new here but have been researching biogas and digesters and using it to produce electricity.
What I have not found out is where small "biogas generators" are used. Some are less than 1 kw in power costing around $500

They are sold by many Chinese firms and some are sold in Africa but I can find nothing about their performance in the field.
They seem a much more sensible answer to Stirling engines which will always be expensive.

There have been long-term problems using biogas as a fuel. Have they been overcome?

10 years ago