Max Frable

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since Sep 23, 2014
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i personally work off farm for a company that was too big to fail. I just closed on my land in January, so the first year is just going to be earth works projects. i dont expect to make any money until year two, posobly turning a profit year three. as such the off farm income is needed for now.
9 years ago

Ann Torrence wrote:
-operating various manual and laser levels, finding contours
-responsible slaughter and butchery
-food preservation (canning, pressure canning, fermentation, drying)
-first-aid beyond bandaids and booboos, including herbals
-operating tractors, excavators, diggers, augers
-birthing animals and dairying
-home brewing
-plant propagation (grafting, rooting, layering)
So I see this could go a couple different ways, in inverse order of revenue-generating opportunities:
-a program to teach skills worthy of living HUSPick
-a practicum of skills for PDC graduates to work in the real world as practitioners
-a potpourri of adult-learning opportunities for fun and recreation.

I like this list as a starting point, the one change i would make is home brewing should/could be changed to fermentation. some people such as Paul dont drink, as such would have no need to learn brewing, but could use some of the principals of fermentation when making salami, kifer, kumbutcha, kimchi, etc. and yes i do realize that food preservation is in the list
10 years ago