Karsten Hinrichs

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since Sep 25, 2014
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Thanks André Troylilas! It is that plant!
I'm very happy about this ::

Much Love and thanks a lot for you help!
9 years ago
alternate leaves, uneven leave lobes, just like cannabis. 3, 5, 7 or 9 lobes.
Flowers grow upwards one after another and fruit points upwards aswell.
The plant is all green but tends to become kinda yellowish when older.

Thank you ::
9 years ago
No, it is from seeds given to me. This plant grows in Sintra, Portugal. Meditarranean Climate. Warm and Dry Summers, wet humid winters. No frost.
I say it has invasive potential solely for its prolific growth and amount on fruits. It covered a small citrus and some well growing hardy kiwi.
9 years ago
Hi there folks,

I'm looking for a plant identification on a plant that supposedly is edible.
The leaves look like cannabis and it has a drop shape fruit that points upwards (2nd pic).
It's a very vigorous grower and has invasive properties, it seams from the aggressive growth it has shown on it's first season.

Your help is very much appreciated. Thank you (::: D)
9 years ago