Emma Smith

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since Oct 02, 2014
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Recent posts by Emma Smith

What does the mulch do after you lay it down? In terms of water retention, it might help to add more mulch every so often in succession, giving the mulch a chance to break down and become soil.

Do you have raised hugelkulture beds, or are they in the ground?
10 years ago
So if you have a lack of surface runoff, it seems your soils must be doing pretty well unless its sandy?

We used microswales because the hill behind our house wouldn't be able to handle a large one. Kinda small and compact and steep back there.
10 years ago
We've had favorable results with our micro swales, so we might just be able to do this.
10 years ago

Devon Olsen wrote:^ it's cus youre in colorado:p lol

been a couple of years since ive seen much activity from this thread, definitely picked up since then tho

Hope to rectify that soon. God knows its SoCo that needs permaculture bad.
Wonder why Colorado doesn't have a lot of permies?
10 years ago
I am 17 years old and am trying permaculture in Southern Colorado. Seems I'm the only person with parents completely on board for permaculture?
10 years ago

Dave Burton wrote:Hi Matis! I have a year of high school left along with college and scholarship applications to do. So, technically, I am still a teen.

What do you plan to do after you graduate, permaculture wise?
10 years ago
I know they must be few and far between, but are there any teenagers interested in permaculture here?
10 years ago