amy colbert

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since Oct 04, 2014
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I have three volunteer mullein at the foot of my driveway, and one is seven feet tall with multiple flower stalks. They are growing out of a margin of soil along cobblestones where they get full sun, and no additional water or compost/fertilizer. They seem to thrive on neglect, and i suspect cultivating them in rich soil would be a failure. I have had many passers-by ask me what this "beautiful, stately" plant is, and when I tell them its considered a weed, they are astounded. Mullein was an ornamental garden plant in Victorian england, so i feel justified in keeping it in such a visible place. It makes a very helpful ear drop for those who have recurrent swimmer's ear. Its deep taproot is helpful to soil. The long stalks can be dried, and then dipped into tallow or wax to make a candle or slow burning torch.

Also, there are mullein hybrids that are valued ornamental garden plants that have lovely pink/lavendar blossoms.
10 years ago