adrian dwor

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since Oct 06, 2014
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Does anyone know what these are?

The stones are very light. The whole bucket of them weighs almost nothing.

The other picture is red potting soil. It's probably too vague to determine exactly.

Both come from a flower shop dumpster.

Thanks a lot
-- Adrian
I just picked up these two logs by the road that have been cut 2 weeks ago. Can anyone identify them? There is many, many pieces like this in the bushes.

9 years ago
Hello everyone,

Having brought our gardening space almost to completion with variety of foods, we would like to now try to cultivate mushrooms outdoors.
We would like to have some log cultures of most likely shitake and reishi probably with king stropharia in a wood chip bed.

I cannot find a good website in Denmark and searched for a spore source elsewhere. It's currently a little above our economy to get shipped the dowels from USA and also I found quite a few websites in Holland and Germany and UK that sell 100dowels for about 17€ which again is rather expensive.
The cheapest source i've found so far that offers everything that we need is with dowels for 3£.

I'd like to know what you guys think.

-- Kindest regards,
9 years ago
Hey Michael,

He got a thatching company to look at the roof and there is nothing wrong with the roof on 2 of the buildings. Barn is going down because part of the wall has collapsed.
10 years ago
Hello everyone,

Our little house in Denmark is 20m2 withan ugly asbestos roof. We were hoping to find a deal on much nicer material until my friend announced one day he will be removing over 650sq meters of straw thatch roofing in spring from 3 buildings which are adjoined in a n shape, straight edges and taking down a barn built from plastered red brick.

We would like to somehow salvage the thatch and replace our asbestos plates.

How can we go about that?
If anyone could direct me to some reading material or briefly walk me through a process.

I hope we would be able to somehow cut out big chunks of thatch and place them on a large trailer. But honestly I've absolutely no idea.

All help very much appreciated,
Thank you
10 years ago
Soaking walnuts in a buckets or putting them in soil in a pot. Is anyone of this methods better than the other?

Thanks for input. I'll soak them right away and place the container outside.
Hello everyone,

Our garden has a 15 year old Japanese Walnut tree. We live in Denmark. I harvested the nuts back in October and kept them in a bowl. There are still about 10 left. The apartament is quite warm, 27-29C on average. Now I'm reading about walnut propagation and I would like to try to germinate the nuts but the guides ask for fresh nuts. Is it too late already and I should wait til next year's harvest?

Kind regards, -- Adrian
Hello everyone,

In Denmark, supermarkets everyday throw away organic vegetables that are either starting to go bad or are simply overstacked. I started taking some when i go on a tour and then put them in the compost which is a mixture of vegetables, fruit scrapings, withered plants, and oak leaves. When a layer of food scraps is finished I cover it with a layer of oak leaves which are abundant around.
Is this a good idea? My girlfriend says it's a waste of time because the amount I take and compost will amount only to small amount of earth and besides even the organic veggies still have pesticide residues on them. So yesterday, I took some organic iceberg salads, eggplants, broccoli and composted them.
Maybe a stupid idea but I keep thinking it will become very nice soil for the beds next year.

We're actively working on expanding the garden for food, and when we bought it the soil was not very good to start with and we would like to improve the quality as time goes on.

I'd like to get an opinion on this.

Thanks a lot and warmest regards, --adrian
10 years ago
Hello everyone,

I live in Denmark. This year was my first attempt at growing ginger. I planted two small pieces with beginning shoots in soil along tomatoes in a greenhouse around may or june and let them grow until november. The plants grew quite tall, 1.5 meters in this time with nice long green leaves but no flowers. In november when it started getting cold, i dug them up and placed them in pots and brought them into the house which is very warm. The ginger stems in just a month turned yellow and withered away. Today i dug up the roots which grew surprisingly big and fat and juicy.
I'd like to continue growing ginger to get more of it. How do I go about it?

Thanks a lot and warmest regards, -- Adrian
10 years ago

We have a small 17m2 garden house and we would like to insulate it to make it more livable in cold season. And preferably have it ready and functioning before I build a natural house on the other side of the garden.

Its a wooden house. I'm thinking about insulating all the walls, ceiling and floor with rock wool.

What are my alternatives for the price? I would prefer not to use and put a more environment friendly insulation but if the cost is too high or its simply not doable for me with simple work tools ill stick with rock wool.

Kindest regards,

-- Adrian