Jorge Morais

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since Oct 10, 2014
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Belazaima do Chão, Águeda
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Recent posts by Jorge Morais

Hi all,

Great share and perspective about an alternative for the major monoculture that is taking the lead on our forests.

I can speak from experience of only 2 years on the ground, collaborating with a regeneration forest project called Cabeço Santo, near the city of Águeda.

We are working for almost 11 years, after a great fire that burned everything around in 2005, we have corridors on the top of the hills, valleys and near the river with native species.
The native shrubs (Matagal Atlãntico) are exposed to the danger of being close to the eucalyptus monoculture, but, the hand of Man is the cause of the fires, my opinion.
We had also a fire on the 28th of April 2017, after a month without any rain, in a second day with east wind, the fire started at 00h or 01h.
Still we can show on our project, how the fire stopped in the line of fire close to the native species, the we planted (majority Quercus robur), regrettably, neither the local government of the central one come to see the example to try to replicate in other areas.

On the perspective of creating jobs, myself and the friends of other reforestation project are making an appeal for voting in a National Participative Budget 2017.
Anyone can vote, thanks for you possible support and sharing on your network.
We want to educate and teach by doing people to work in the many areas that conservation forests needs manual work. We need to move thousands of people from urban areas
back to the country side. Teach people to produce their own food organic and relearn how ot live in community one of the many solutions.

Thank you

7 years ago
Hello all,

I would like to invite you, to come and join us on our volunteer events and guided tour to the regeneration project near Serra do Caramulo.

Recuperação Ecológica do Cabeço Santo

Saturday 14th of May we have a volunteer event to cut the sprouting of the eucaliptus on a hill that we want to plant and conserve the native species.

On the 21th of May, we have a guided tour to show that project with the challenges and great aspirations of the project in the near future,

the next event scheduled, will be a volunteer event working in the forest, on the 18th of June,

We need your registration for the events through our E-mail
In case of any questions, I'm wiling to help.
See you soon!
8 years ago
Hi Michael,

Welcome to Portugal!

We need more liked minded people and a diversity of cultures to help to shift the paradigm on this land

I have a couple of close friends living in Figueira da Foz, I will notice them your contact through your post here.

Meanwhile, you are very welcome to come and visit the project that I collaborate in Águeda near the city of Aveiro.
We are co-creating a woodland with native species, in areas of valleys and a stream. We have a volunteer event this Saturday and next one a guided tour.
You are very welcome to join, in case of any questions, I will try to help.

This is our blogue

Thank you
All the best

Take care
8 years ago
We had to re-schedule our event days to the weather conditions of this weekend.

So, the next day events are;

20 of February

5 of March

19 of March

Thank you

See you soon!
9 years ago
Hi Philippe,

Great that you are planning to try to live in Portugal, we need more like minded people to occupy our rural areas, to live a more sustainable way of living.

Perhaps, you can find a few examples of projects here on this network, depending of the location that you are aiming for.

Here you can find a FB group, which you will find people trying to help.

You are more than welcome to make a visit to the reforestation project that I´m collaborating and starting my own permaculture project.

All the best of luck!

Take Care

9 years ago
Recuperação Ecológica do Cabeço Santo

For the ones living in Portugal, this is a volunteer event in Central/North Portugal, near the city of Aveiro, the next dates are;

January: 16th and 30th

February: 13th e 27th

March: 12th

We are going to plant native trees, oak, cork, holly, ash and others.
We need your registration for the event through our E-mail
In case of any questions, I'm wiling to help.
See you soon!

9 years ago
Thanks for sharing, still, I think the conscience that we need to create with the Gift our Social Economy, needs to go beyond profit.
New challenges are ahead for the next generations, and the reality in Portugal of demographic following the trend it’s to loose 2 million people until 2060.
Many assumptions to take out of this.


10 years ago
Agricultores portugueses são os mais velhos da Europa.
Portuguese farmers are the oldest compared to the rest of Europe.

This is perhaps an alert sign, that we can take many analyses. Still, it's my humble belief that we need to put the young generation more in contact with the oldest, the wisdom and the ancient knowledge of our culture its going to be lost in the next decade
10 years ago
Hello Keira,
I hope I can give you an insight of the possibility of considering Portugal to your options.
Permaculture and biological agriculture it's been growing a lot on the last years, there's a few community and cooperative projects ongoing and to be launched that I give you a few insights.
(they are offering 1ha plots to "sell" to people)

For a few years we have been converging the network of projects on this platform that it's growing.

Here you can find a few videos of the country to show the beauty of our nature.

And this an overview on a guided tour (Visita Guiada) for a few cities in the country

There's a few more videos that I can share, if needed.

We had a few weeks the first Permaculture Convergence that gather more than 200 people, please find more information on this;
a few resources that have been gather after the event

I hope I could help and I'm available to answer more questions.

All the best
Kind Regards
10 years ago