Hi all,
Great share and perspective about an alternative for the major monoculture that is taking the lead on our forests.
I can speak from experience of only 2 years on the ground, collaborating with a regeneration forest project called Cabeço Santo, near the city of Águeda.
We are working for almost 11 years, after a great fire that burned everything around in 2005, we have corridors on the top of the hills, valleys and near the river with native species.
The native shrubs (Matagal Atlãntico) are exposed to the danger of being close to the eucalyptus monoculture, but, the hand of Man is the cause of the fires, my opinion.
We had also a fire on the 28th of April 2017, after a month without any rain, in a second day with east wind, the fire started at 00h or 01h.
Still we can show on our project, how the fire stopped in the line of fire close to the native species, the we planted (majority Quercus robur), regrettably, neither the local government of the central one come to see the example to try to replicate in other areas.
On the perspective of creating jobs, myself and the friends of other reforestation project are making an appeal for voting in a National Participative Budget 2017.
Anyone can vote, thanks for you possible support and sharing on your network.
We want to educate and teach by doing people to work in the many areas that conservation forests needs manual work. We need to move thousands of people from urban areas
back to the country side. Teach people to produce their own food organic and relearn how ot live in community one of the many solutions.
Thank you