Lee Wingatui

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since Oct 15, 2014
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Recent posts by Lee Wingatui

Hi Leila

I wouldn't call it *really* cold, but yeah, we get heavy frosts in winter and maybe 2-3 days of snow a year. Haven't had a big dumping for a couple of years now though - only one real snow day this year (we hope!) and it was gone by the afternoon.

Where I am it's a bit of a microclimate - warm enough for figs and apricots, but we chose the property pretty carefully. Hoping for a bumper haul of tomatoes this year - if I actually get any! I have a very cunning 7 year old who always seems to be out "checking" the tomato plants when they're fruiting...and who loves them...hmmm...

Our place names are all good. I'm originally from Aussie, and they have places called "Nowhere" and "Nowhere else" so I reckon we're doing pretty reasonably

10 years ago
Hey all,

I'm in Dunedin - and was wondering if there are other permies in and around the local area?

Yes, I'm guessing there are heaps of you up in the North Island, but that's so far away...

So - where are you?

Lee in Dunedin (well Mosgiel actually)
10 years ago