Lawrence Yu

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since Oct 26, 2014
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Hello Thomas and all your colleagues,

Thank you very so much for your quite detailed information on permaculture projects in China. That's really eye-opening.

I base in Shanghai, however, I am now in Qin Huang Dao city till the end of November.

Your projects in Hang Zhou and Qian Dao Hu area interests me a lot because of the short traveling distance from Shanghai.

I am interested in learning simple and harmonious living methods with the nature, especially eco-building and off-grid energy supply, etc. Please kindly keep me informed of all your projects and I will see if there is anything can be arranged. I will send you an email in a minute.

Thank you very much again.
10 years ago
Thank you very much "howie". I'll definately get to your web site, follow your progress to learn more about what you do there. Good luck to you all!
10 years ago
Please let me know if anyone has started any permaculture projects in China, I would like to visit and learn. Many thanks!
10 years ago