10 Podcast Review of the book Just Enough by Azby Brown
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Micki Blanco

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since Nov 01, 2014
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. Thanks guys!
10 years ago
Thank you guys for the RMH works like a dream and I love the way it looks! I am going to try to post a pic. Micki
10 years ago
I'm going to have to learn more about wood...this is new to me....I think its Osage orange. And yes I built my RMH using firebrick, refractory mortar, hardware cloth with perlite/clayslip, stove pipe for ductwork, bricks/rocks/cob for mass, no lime or cement used.
10 years ago
Can I burn hedge in my RMH? Or would it get too hot? I want to buy some wood soon. Hackberry is also available...I could get some of both. Thoughts please?
10 years ago
I am not feeling very confident in my ability to do the cob backrest properly.....seriously think I'll do a wooden one instead. Plus its less cob.....can I hear an amen? So any advice on how to do the wooden one will be highly valued. Thank you guys for your kind help!
10 years ago
Glenn, thanks for saying that so tactfully. Lol...yes that would make sense...duh. Now the hunt for a willow tree.
Thomas, Yay! I've been wanting a reason to fire it up!! Tonight we burn!!
10 years ago
Should I burn to dry the layers as they go on? Or is it better to finish building the bench first? The cob and rocks are about even with the top of the duct work now...its kind of slow going cuz I am usually working alone.
10 years ago
That's supposed to say "metal pipe or rods". Lol
10 years ago
I don't think I will find any willow wood at the lumber yards here in Kansas. What would another option be? Could I use metal pupecor rods?
10 years ago
Al, you mentioned wattle and daub method for constructing the backrest...what do you use for the "lattice"? I am wondering if wood is ok or if it would get too hot.
10 years ago