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Lloyd Richards

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since Nov 03, 2014
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Are you in need of map or models of your site? Need documents for presentations, administration or information make up? Do you have a lot of hand drawn sketched but need them scaled and organized?

My names Lloyd Richards, I'm an architect students on a year out from Canada who has been offering my service to permaculture projects in Europe. I am very skilled in CAD, CS and various other modeling and design programs and can work quickly and efficiently to produce documents and models crucial to designing the perfect permaculture garden or master plan. I'm very resourceful in finding topographical maps, GIS data, and various climactic and historical data for most regions so if there are more specific maps or documents you need then be sure to ask and I will do my best to produce.

If you are in need of a contract, or would like me to teach you the basics please contact me at

I also have a website where you can find a selection of my work as well as my most up to date portfolio. If you have any questions, please send them via email or through the contact page on the site.
9 years ago
Thanks David and Bruno for the replies.

I'm going to investigate what you suggested and try some companies in Britain as well. Fingers crossed.

Bruno, If I haven't found anything by January I would love to come south and see you projects and help out in whatever capacity I can. My spanish is probably good enough to adapt to Portugese and I could be available until April. I'll message you my contact info so we can keep in touch. thanks
10 years ago
I recently moved from Canada to Spain to pursue a career in sustainability and have been looking for work related to permaculture, reforestation and NGO international development. Does anyone know of any projects starting in January that would be looking to hire? I am on sabbadical from my graduate degree in Architecture as well as certified in Permaculture (PDC) and LEED. A more complete CV and portfolio can be found on my LinkedIn. If you know of any companies please let me know their name and a possible contact. Thanks.

Lloyd Richards
BA, PDC, LEED Green Associate
Graduate Student, Masters of Architecture
10 years ago