Hello folks of tipi curiosity! (hello then to myself, too!)
It's been, what, 4 months since my traverse away from the tipi? Yes, something like that.
My time in the tipi was an excellent primer for my days today, days of summer homesteading in my native Ontario.
My time in the tipi has given me confidence and foresight to prepare and take me into a coming winter of homesteading. :)
Summer is nice, but winter is fantastic- I can't wait!
Alas, summer homesteading, especially at a time when so much infrastructure is just waiting to be built, is a time that's not so convenient to hop on the internet and creatively cruise around. But hey, it's hot, so I'm seated in the shade and perusing the forums.
So I see that there are some new photos of the tipi, all beauteous, wonderful.
But of the bumbling bodies at the Lab, is there someone who's been stewing about the tipi lately? Any thoughts about that site, that place as a home, that place an efficient dream place? Cassie, have you had a sleep or a few in there? What's it like to heat up a pot of evening tea with the the exhaust re-route? Perhaps the ants might have some thoughts on the site, especially in contrast to their own doings as they establish their personal homeplaces? Any opinions or ruminations out there?