Lester Bird

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since Nov 08, 2014
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Thank you both for these replies - very helpful and reassuring.

I will have a look into these rocket mass heaters but given that we inherited this brand new log burner then it might be worth keeping it for a while before forking out money for something else.

10 years ago
Hi there - we have recently moved into a new build with a new log burner. In short we used it for the first time tonight and did not read the instructions beforehand.

Apparently, you need to gradually burn the log burner in over a few nights with small fires each time. We just had a big fire the first night and noticed a strong odour emitting which we now understand as the paint to be curing. While we then opened all the windows to ventilate the room but were wondering if any damage has been done in terms of cracking perhaps?

Many thanks for any help.

10 years ago