mindy Vandemoore

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since Nov 30, 2014
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Recent posts by mindy Vandemoore

Thanks Joe,

She does have one of those for the water foul but the water still froze on top. I was thinking maybe there was a heat element that can go in the water container or a water container that is heated itself? Any other ideas there?
10 years ago
I live in Wisconsin and my neighbor has around 60 chickens, 7 ducks and 2 geese. She hauls hot water to the coop twice a day because their water freezes. When she goes out of town I am in charge of this and I feel like there must be a better way. My question is what is the best way to ensure the chickens have water (not frozen) in freezing weather? There are outlets in the coop but not many. Also, they are separated into 5 groups so some get tubs of water and some get smaller containers.
10 years ago