eoin fitzpatrick

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since Dec 09, 2014
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Recent posts by eoin fitzpatrick

Just sharing this with y'all.

This is maybe the fourth or fifth time I've used this same gas tank to make heater for my workshop, it's been cut, welded and patched up numerous times. Hence it's very ugly.

Basically it's a simple rocket with an extra large horizontal fire box, a pipe running over the "Mouth of the Dragon" which connects to a blower. The rocket exhaust exits into a 200l oil barrel and from there it exits the shop via a very thin, aluminium (aloooominum) foil air duct.

Top of stove reaches about 400c, the barrel heat exchanger type thing reaches about 100c and the exhaust leaving the room is only about 30c. Nice!

The blower blows out air that's heated to about 70c and it's nice and cosy.

Anyway just thought I'd share my design!

Greetings from the east coast of Ireland 👍
9 years ago
Just to add..

This is for my workshop. My dogs sleep next door and i want to heat a small water tank and pipe warm water through garden hose and into a big garden hose coil embedded in their bed (an old leather couch)

Also want to pipe the rocket stove exhaust directly into the bottom of an oil barrel full of wet logs. This will be wrapped in insulation and a pipe will be connected to a chimney running up outside.

The barrel will have a removable top for loading and unloading wood as it dries (or catches fire resulting in massive property(rented) damage???)
10 years ago
Hello from Ireland.

I'm thinking about a design for a multipurpose rocket stove and I'm looking for any insight into whether the thing will work...


I want to make this:

What you reckon
10 years ago