Ellendra Nauriel wrote:The transition from "large garden" to "small farm" requires a ton of time, labor, and equipment. That equipment can easily run tens of thousands of dollars, sometimes hundreds of thousands. Banks want proof of income before they'll give people loans, but it takes a while for a new farm to establish its income. That means, even if an aspiring farmer gets access to land, they still have an enormous hurdle in their way.
I've been trying to make that transition for 8 years now. I'm still nowhere close.
One way to help aspiring farmers would be to get the same type of small harvesting equipment that's available in Asia, and make it available here at an affordable price. Because having a machine to harvest my beans would mean I could grow an acre or more, instead of being limited to what I can harvest by hand. The seed company I grow for wants 100-400 pounds of it per year! The most I've been able to pick and clean was around 20 pounds, and that was with doing no other farm work.
I've been working on coming up with designs for equipment that would work on my existing tractor, but I also don't have anywhere to build my prototypes, so it's just theory. You find a company that can make or import small harvesting equipment, at a price normal people can afford, and you'll see the ranks of successful small farmers explode.
Adam, does your fish manure come from a salt water farm or a fresh water farm? I wonder if it makes a difference.
I don't claim to have expertise in using fish manure as fertilizer but our garden produces a bounteous crop of veggies every year.
I still think it would be worth a shot with pure waste stream chips and maybe some sand/silicates (which should be readily available on the cape). If you can get a 10 yard load of chips, mix that stuff in and passively aerate it with some good ideas on here
Maybe even strain it and sell it as a liquid fertilizer or a powdered concentrate. Like fish emulsion where very small amounts are used? If it is super high in nitrogen then selling it as a "concentrate" that gets diluted could save lots of processing time.
Tj Jefferson wrote:Nope, I try to do everything super cheap and I get free chips, but maybe someone else does. I think mixed with the perlite and fish sludge you would have a fantastic potting medium in 6-8 months. we have been discussing wood chip composting on here.
You would definitely have to turn it a few times but I think you could have a great product in bulk. You would need somewhere around 8x the wood chip mass compared with the fish shmutz. I dump carcasses in the wood chips and it works, but takes more time. Yours would degrade very quickly. They are likely paying a tipping fee- and you should be getting a portion of that too. I could charge $20 a load for chips, but I take them for free because they know they had better be CLEAN or they will be back paying to dump. My suspicion is that they are probably paying around $60 a dump liquid like that in MA.
and yes, thats a lot of chips. Like hundreds of yards if you are getting 600 gallons a week. It is doable if you have the space. Potting soil sells for about $100/yard in bulk, so most places make their own from bark, coir, sand, perlite and peat or similar mixtures. None of those are cheap though, and most are not biologically very active. Additionally, there would be some (maybe a lot) of mycoremediation of the antibiotics if you used an appropriate fungal tea, if they are using them. you may need to protect your groundwater from getting contaminated. Definitely not something minor but something absolutely awesome to do for the environment if they are otherwise dumping this stuff.
I am making mine from composted chips and I add in 1/4 dirt. Perlite alone is pretty valuable, I wish I had that deal!
This could be a waste stream business! My hero!
Tj Jefferson wrote:Mix it with wood chips and sell it as potting soil. You win from both the perlite and nitrogen. Thats a great resource. Are there any nurseries you could contract with locally to provide them with it? Potting soil sells at a premium.
stephen lowe wrote:I'm not sure what fish manure is. Is it a byproduct of some sort of fish farm? The only thing I would be worried about if it is from a fish farm is antibiotics/other weird chemicals being fed to the fish. Also why is it mixed with perlite?