So, I was about to start a thread on an adaptive topic, and found this discussion in the course of my due diligence to be sure the topic wasn't already out there. So, count this as big vote for an adaptive earth tech forum.
The specific thing I was going to try starting a thread on is designs for standing height raised beds. There are lots of us who are older or for whatever reason have problems with bending over to garden. Poverty and transient homedness are the common companions of these challenges. Given all this, it would be great if somebody who knew what they were doing cooked up some earth-built, easily constructed, cheap standing height raised bed plans. Another plus would be easy to remove. Sometimes people will let you put a garden bed in their yard, but don't want anything super-permanent.
I was thinking earth-bag, but my familiarity with it is purely theoretical.
There's a huge need for ramps at ADA slope for people to be able to stay in their own homes. Seems like another thing that would make such sense to do earth-built. But again, somebody who knew what they were doing would have to design it. Right now there are businesses that sell these things, but typically they are pre-fab things that are expensive and probably suck up excessive resources.
Thanks in advance for anybody who has ideas to share on tis.