Jan Turner

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since Dec 22, 2014
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Recent posts by Jan Turner

I am looking at some manual log splitting tools.  I am older women and need something simple. My neighbor chops firewood for me, but sometimes they are too big for my stove. Every so often I need to split them smaller. I have seen ads for the ones in this link.  Any recommendations on any of these.  I am especially looking at the black ones that are tall and have circle at top to hold the wood.
1 year ago
I am looking at some manual log splitting tools.  I am older women and need something simple.  I have seen ads for the one in this link.  Any recommendations on any of these.  I am especially looking at the black ones that are tall and have circle at top to hold the wood.
1 year ago
Do you have a video or an explanation of how you built this?  Did you use cob?
I have read the books put out by Cerce, but have trouble understanding some of the jargon.  I need a contractor, but none in my area have built passive solar.
1 year ago
I have a Hearthstone wood stove.  It has soapstone body. It is  How can I retain more of the heat?  Can I put thermal mass around it?  If so what kinds?Here are some pictures of the area .  I am hoping for some brainstorming.
2 years ago
Have you tried Indian grass?  Has a nice golden/rust color in fall and winter. Yellow flowers in summer.
2 years ago
I would probably build a bear 20 ft away and the gardens would be farther. I doubt that I would use the berm for food.  Just a barrier between the railroad and garden.
8 years ago
I have started a community garden and food forest near a low income area of town. the north edge of the property abutts a railroad track.  it is a spur that Cargill uses for its soybean meal plant.  They spray the side of the railroad tracks with herbicide.  Would a berm be a good way to prevent drift and such from them?
8 years ago