Michael Iacona

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since Dec 24, 2014
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Recent posts by Michael Iacona

Wow, that is an awesome idea! Old Rubber roofing (aka EPDM) is incredibly useful for lots of stuff from covering wood piles to lining ponds to putting under buildings or trailers to save the bottoms from moisture issues. Moisture will constantly be emitted from the ground beneath buildings or trailers or autos unless there is some sort of barrier.
10 years ago
I'm in Guilford (adjacent to Brattleboro) and was asking about the group that met at the Brattleboro Co-op
10 years ago
Hi, I just found this group and thread - unfortunately after the Dec 7 meeting. I live in Guilford and would very much like to join the group. How did the meeting go? Were any plans made for future meetings or a next step?


10 years ago