shane ballard

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since Dec 29, 2014
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Recent posts by shane ballard

I too far to help you much but Im a Realtor in Fannin county. If you have any questions or need any tips shoot me an email.
We are leasing 175 acres in North Texas. The land is my business partners family's land. We are confident that we will have a long lease. Right now we are lightly grazing cattle and cutting hay to pay the lease payment. Our plan is a Mark Shepard style place. We are working on a shoe string budget. Anyone have some tips?
9 years ago
My wife and I are looking for a 6-12 month internship for next year. We have a 6 year old son and a baby on the way in July. We are currently working as chefs in the DFW area. My wife home schools our son so it must be in an area that allows it. I am working on a PDC through PermaEthos. We are open to almost anywhere.