Clint Fischer

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since Jan 05, 2015
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If you can find bentonite clay that will work to seal the pond, it comes in the form of cat litter here or can be purchased by the truck load in some far as erosion plant some native fast growing plants and cover them with straw, and some netting to hold the straw down.
5 years ago
I do metal work, I make small knives, axes and such. Blacksmithed key hooks and a range of other things.
5 years ago
Pennsylvania has a variety of berry plants that are native to the state. Pawpaw, butternut, common persimmon, black cherry, and chokecherry are some of the most popular berry plants that grow in Pennsylvania.

You can find out more at

I'm not affiliated with them, however I buy from them almost yearly.
5 years ago
Can I have a state, for the native 6a plants? So i can help you.
5 years ago
10 out of 10 Acorns.

This book kept me interested the entire time. The varied types of odd fruits and nuts is awesome. Some of which I had as a child and have not had since.

Fungi was totally new to me. I was unaware of the ease in which it is to grow your own.this book gives you great info as well as resources to get the starting spores and equipment.

Uncommon fruits is another area this book nailed home for me. We have persimmons on our property, and love them. However it's been long ago since I have had a gooseberry pie.

Mr. Judd also gives you a few recipes for the excesses of fruit you will produce.

Overall I was very impressed with the simplicity of the book, and how it was in a tone which I can understand and with all the resources to find where to get everything he talked about, and free recipes to boot!

Picked up my copy from 👍👍
10 years ago
very interesting stuff, its on my to do list, but loads more research to do!
10 years ago