Liane Andeweg

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since Jan 10, 2015
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Thanks a lot for the reactions, i just made my beds lasst spring so i don't know how it will be ,I hope they will leave when it becomes spring.
Last year I saw 7 snakes arround the house but I am not such a big hero with snakes so I think I prefere the idea of chicken over snakes
I think I slowley need to get used to see them because I am dutch, (not so much snakes in Holland), but now we live in the center of france, so I know they are arround. I will let you all know in a few months how it goes with my small inhabbitants.
10 years ago
Hi, I am new here, last year I started to make a vegetablegarden, I was very inspierd by the idea of the hugelculturebeds and loved it when I saw all the things grow in the garde last year.
Now it's winter and I saw there are at least 30 small holes in a lot of my beds, when I walk trough I see mice running arround. Will this give a problem when I start in spring with planting the beds again? I suppose I have to find a way to move them out of the garden, does anybody knows a friendly way?
Thanks, liane
10 years ago