Jennifer anderson

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since Jan 10, 2015
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Recent posts by Jennifer anderson

Smart thinking!

I could imagine being in the middle of the swarm would be incredible..
I imagine they are singing a "sweet" love song to you for taking care of them!

Ahhh I seriously cannot believe I just posted this! Hahaha

Thank you for replying=)
9 years ago
* raising hamd!* hahaa So was looking at your picture up there and wonder about the beehive boxes. Why is the one on a green grate?
Never seen them constructed how yours are down here.. Pretty neat!

Can you pull the drawers out in each separate section for smaller honeycombs?
9 years ago
Hey there Jacqueline! Thank you for taking time to teach us about honeybees! I'm eager to learn and hope to ask lots of questions along the way!!! So much to learn for all of us,it's awesome!!!
9 years ago
So awesome to find someone from Florence on here! I am from Florence and interested in coming to the meet up,but have no facebook page.

10 years ago