JoAnn Foxmen

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since Jan 18, 2015
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Recent posts by JoAnn Foxmen

Dundee / Strasburg O close to Holmes co I can touch it! Have couple acres with a failed pond which trying to figure out how to get it back to where it needs to be. Course it did not help when an Amish man came in next door to log...he has huge tracks and water going everywhere. Told him IF he did not fix that mess here soon, I was getting up way early and follow him in to church. Bet the elders would love to hear what he did....Amish with vehicles= scary!
10 years ago
Looking for Arnica Montana seed or plants!
Devilish of a time getting a hold of this tender perennial. Any suggestions will be noted.
Thanks Judith...getting ready to do just that and having a few changes to boot. I am hoping to find local "employability" although that looks a bit bleak and being involved in consulting, usually takes me from being @ home. Much prefer to be home this spring/summer. I have a bit over 2acs and this place is hard enough to "keep up" with me being here. LOL...Hopefully I will have the fruit trees bear fruit this year as well as the berries. Last winter trashed almost everything. No fruit last year cept a handful of blackberries. This winter has not been too bad, and hopefully it continues.
10 years ago
Thought I drop by and say Hello. Newly signed up on this forum. Spent half life so far in Ohio and other half in New England and freshly back in Dundee(Ohio). I am seeing tons of information; glad I found this space.
Howdy to All!
10 years ago