We lived for so many years in a world where people were waiting for the flying car for a long time. Technology kept advancing, but not always the way we expected. The global population keeps growing, and we have found ourselves as humankind in a place where we need to work together to better our children's futures. We have spent ourselves into a debt economy, and past failures in real estate have lead to credit difficulties of tremendous proportions.
The internet has connected us in a way that we can be wise with finances and start over at any income level to build a life that is not one of poverty, but one of joy. Even without money you can grow your own food with a little work. And with little money and hard work, you can build a home from the land. If you buy far enough out, you can own land for very cheap. But is that the right way to go?
We at
Offgridquest.com are about highlighting the many ways in which people have managed to survive and live in comfort before modern technology, and then applying what we know and discover to help us live more efficient and wise lives. We have articles on
rainwater harvesting,
permaculture, and
We take into consideration the harmful effects of products we use, and try to go as natural as possible, but also realizing that sometimes the natural solution is more harmful than helpful. Knowing the wonderful feeling of recently making the jump from corded tools to almost all cordless tools, we understand the huge benefits that new technology is bringing where we will all soon be able to disconnect from the grid, and save money and resources doing it. We are here to help make that phase shift in society a smooth and beneficial one for all through great communication. Good ideas spread like wildfire through social media. Our Living off The Grid Page on Facebook helps to proliferate these ideas.
We also have
offthegridstories.com as a place to share your stories, and from which we pull content over to the main facebook page. Please feel free to go there and upload your stories and pictures there. I can be reached at
Offgridjourney@gmail.com. Feel free to post events and ideas, or Off grid type advertising opportunities to me there.
David Webster