Aaron Crone

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since Jan 21, 2015
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Celina, Texas
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Recent posts by Aaron Crone

Thank you Feidhlim for the ideas. I think I will use the field for perennial veggies and flowers.
10 years ago
Not sure what the norm is. My life style has change dramatically going from a suburban area where all waste water discharged into the waste water treatment plant. I moved to the 5.5 acre farmstead this past summer. It would be a good poll question for those on septic systems to see how or if they discharge grey water separately.

I had a pond dug about a month after we moved in and can say that we did not hit bedrock. It was clay from the surface to about 12 feet down. I don't know what kind of infiltration we would have with the clay soils that we have. I cannot see the discharge, I just know that the area is always wet and green were the discharge is. it is a PVC pipe buried and I don't think they added a rock aggregate in as a bio-filter type element for the grey water discharge.
10 years ago
I have another question. The septic system I have is a traditional anaerobic system with a trans-evaporative leach field. I am looking at ways to utilize the area. Right now the area is covered in grass. I was wondering if grazing livestock is the only and best option over the leach field and tanks? Do you have other ideas?

Semper Fidelis,

10 years ago
Hello Feidhlim Harty,

Good to have your expertise on the forum. I have grey water discharge for our washing machine and a septic system for everything else. As we just moved to the property this past summer all I have is grass growing at the discharge point for the grey water. We have a high efficiency (he) washing machine, what would be the best laundry soap to use and will the grey water discharge the ph of the soil? The previous owners lived in the house for 10+ years and I am not aware of what the previous owners used for their laundry detergent. Should I avoid planting food producing plants near the discharge point? if so, how far away should I keep plants meant for consumption. Is their a plant that you recommend that would be good for repairing the soil? I live in Celina, Texas.

Semper Fidelis,

10 years ago