allen sharp

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since Jan 22, 2015
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I ran across a cool video saying how rocket stoves presented some problems. instead of using cob for thermal mass he uses water. all in all it is pretty neat. and seems more feasible to use.

don't have to get up at 3 am and start the fire and play around with it a lot. don't have to change any parts or have any back draft issues, etc...

what do you guys think?
10 years ago
What about the cob over the stove pipe?
10 years ago
I tried googling this question and searched on here.

I was curious if one could use isopropyl alcohol or dentured alcohol in a rocket mass heater as the fuel source?

the reason I am asking is if this is possible then perhaps one could build a small version of a rocket mass heater but have it vented on the inside (no danger in fumes?). I have found through google searching that the byproduct of alcohol is carbon dioxide and water. none the less, the fuel source I was thinking about was a small tuna can with toilet paper stuff inside and soaked with alcohol. desertsun02 - on youtube has made several of these heaters using rubbing alcohol and toilet paper with different sized cans:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

has anyone tried this before? burning alcohol as a fuel source in a rocket stove?

in another video (a little off subject) desertsun02 made a small heater with a galvanized stack boot and a 90 degree elbow using alcohol as his fuel source. I got to thinking about cob and thermal mass and had an idea - what if one were to place cob around the metal piping design he put together? Would this be of any benefit? here is the video:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

10 years ago