Ivan Ivanov

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since Jan 27, 2015
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Hi Terry,
Thank you very much for this valuable information. So based on your logic I should experience no difficulties using einkorn wheat. Actually I plan to use it for both straw-clay and cob, together with oat straw, which in particular is described as suitable for cob in Ianto's book.

Another topic I'm stil not sure about is the "maximum" width of straw-clay wall which is "safe" to build. Safe in terms of moisture. Although I'm planning to build the wall in the hottest part of the year, when usually even night temperatures don't drop under 20 degrees C (and day temps are often above 28-30 C), I was told by some experienced earth builders it's risky to build straw-clay wall wider than 15cm. My wish, however is at least 17 or even 20+ cm. Does anybody have practical experience in such widths? According to the video, it seems to be ok, but still?

Thanks for the help!
9 years ago
Hi guys,
Maybe a bit offtopic, but I have a dilemma and I have to make an urgent decision due to a limited offer for straw bales of einkorn wheat.

The question is about the type of straw in terms of grains family plants. As I want to start a light clay and cob walls in late April and currently I have just this one choice of straw type - einkorn wheat (Triticum monococcum) I want to ask you all if you have any knowledge about the appropriateness of einkorn wheat for cob and straw clay building.
The straw itself looks very bright and yellow, but is it strong and in all other aspects good enough for mixing with clay?

Thanks for the help!
10 years ago