Wyatt Regan

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since Jan 30, 2015
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North Dakota ~ Zone 4
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Recent posts by Wyatt Regan

What is his biggest obstacle when it comes to convincing conventional ag farmers to switch to more 'unconventional' eco-practices as he is doing?
9 years ago
Hey David! There is like a 1% chance I may end up in Florida myself in the next year. The idea seems pretty romantic after growing up in this tundra lol
9 years ago
Not keeping any bees yet, but definitely doing plenty of research on bee forage and such. Hopefully someday I'll get some hives. I just thought I'd say hi to a fellow Permie from the area. Is this facebook group specific to beekeeping? Know of any workshops or anything like that in the area?
9 years ago
Hey everyone! I'm in Grand Forks right now. Unfortunately I live downtown. I don't even have a balcony
9 years ago
Hello Kim! I live in Grand Forks, ND. Nice to see someone from my area on here!
9 years ago