dawna robertson

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since Feb 01, 2015
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Recent posts by dawna robertson

I am in New Brunswick, Canada....very cold right now! Duck grow is a commercial feed. I hate it, but organic feed is VERY difficult to find here. What are the alternatives for home made? I have 12 ducks total.....what is the cost effectiveness? I should probably switch them to a laying feed if nothing else. Its -30 with the windchill today and three feet of snow. Ive made little trails in the snow for them to walk around the yard but there are some days they just stay in the coop. They are locked in at night.....lots of wood chips and seem quite warm. Fresh water in a heated waterer twice a day but its always empty when I go out. They seem to go through a lot of water but most of it ends up as a block of ice on the coop floor which I chip away every few days to keep the floor clean. The coop is 7X14 with lots of light.
10 years ago
Help! I purchased some ducklings last spring (runners and campbells). Ive had them on duck grow and whole corn on the advise from the folks at the feed store. I also give them spinach and other finely chopped veggies at least twice a week. They are free run and seem very happy except that they have stopped laying! I started getting eggs in november and things were going great until the cold really started to set in after Christmas......since then, nothing! They are kept in a nice sized coop but I let them out for at least four hours a day in the winter unless its REALLY bad out. In the summer they were out all day. Clean, well fed, watered.......what am I doing wrong?
10 years ago