Boris Malchikov

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since Feb 15, 2015
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Recent posts by Boris Malchikov

The laminated bags are 18 X 30, really good shape, they have been used only once for dry cow feed. They are very rigid, maybe even too much...

If I go with the laminated bags, I think I should use very dry sand only as filling. Somehow I'm really afraid that those bags won't breath. But at the same time, to be perfectly honest, I don't know if the breathing thing is more or less crucial since it is a bermed cabin. Would good ventilation be enough in such a small structure? Moreover, if I take for granted that my umbrella and the poly sheeting will stop water and that, therefore, not much humidity will assail my bermed walls from the outside, maybe the bags can be "sealed"?

The cabin will be integrated to the side of a small hill and I was wondering if it would be a good idea to build a greenhouse with raised beds on top of the cabin. I think it might be a useful for many reasons since I live in a very cold climate.
10 years ago
I'm so sorry! I should have been more precise.

I'm building a 16' X 20' earth bermed cabin which will eventually have a green roof. I intend to apply the techniques used in the building of wofati 7.0 discussed in another thread (outside walls protected by poly, umbrella, etc.).

10 years ago
Hi everyone!

I finally found a place where I can buy woven polypropylene bags UV protected, but I also have access to free laminated woven polypropylene bags. My understanding is that lamination facilitates the printing process on the bags. Now, my concern is I'm afraid it greatly reduces the breathability of the bags. Am I right? If yes, should I avoid them and stick with the non-laminated ones?

Thank you for your input!
10 years ago