Patricia Hope

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since Feb 19, 2015
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Recent posts by Patricia Hope

Hi, Nicola from another mouldy.

I'm thinking that your symptoms are manageable at the moment because you are 'masked'. (No, not wearing one, for those who have no knowledge of this, but that's the term used for the body being able to 'cope' in a mouldy environment.) I live in England - 'nuff said.

I camped in a field once for a few months. It was great for detoxing and I was able to function while there. In my tent I had a bucket with sawdust and a loo seat with a hinged lid balancing on the rim. Tricky but it was temporary and I was on a budget. The owner of the field let me empty the loo in a pile at one end of the field. It was a hot summer so I drank a lot of water and I was detoxing through my bowels as well as my skin and breath. My bucket got filled up quickly and so I emptied it most days.I didn't react to the bucket or contents even though I reacted to the surface of the field when it rained.

No-one can say if you will react to it or not.

When you move, if you don't take any porous possessions that you cannot wash, and thus don't take any spores with you, you will likely become more reactive because you will then be 'unmasked'.
If I were you I would start off with an outhouse and move it indoors as you heal. You will heal faster by being outside as much as you can anyway because that's how you will detox. I wish England had a hot desert.

If you haven't read it I think you may be interested in Ana Harris' healing journey.

Best wishes

3 years ago
I find this a weird question. Why do you need someone's permission? I thought the USA was the land of the free?
8 years ago
HI Robert,
I'm not an expert at all but I do have two points.
1. As a woman, because of my anatomy,  I really don't like peeing in the woods like you suggested. So if that was your facilities I would not come. But maybe you are having all male groups?
2. The poop and sawdust will biodegrade better with the pee mixed in because of the moisture and the uric acid content.
8 years ago

I meant that the foundation walls from the footer to well above the ground level outside (and probably inside floor elevation) should be made of masonry or some material that can withstand moisture.

I wonder if that would create condensation at ground level because it would not be the same temperature as the higher wall. How would this be prevented?
8 years ago
Thanks Ardilla
I not sure what you mean by a stem wall foundation. Please forgive my ignorance. Would you explain?
8 years ago
Hi Chris, thank you for your reply. I agree that many bodily reactions are caused by pollution. People who are sensitive to mould get a higher reaction when in the presence of chemical toxins. It is estimated that 25% of the population have a gene mutation MTHFR that inhibits the body's ability to detoxify toxins and so results in them being susceptible to becoming sensitive to mould, their mycotoxins and other chemical toxins.

My reaction to mould is not respiratory unless I encounter Stachybotrys and it's mycotoxins which tend to burn the lungs.
My reaction is an inflammation of other parts of the body.

Most outdoor moulds do not produce mycotoxins. It is mainly indoor moulds that are toxic on their own even without the addition of chemicals. However, I have encountered Stachybotrys in a bale of straw.

I live in a rural area. So I am pretty sure that it's the mould in dwelling places that is causing the inflammation.
8 years ago
I have developed a sensitivity to mould and am having great trouble finding somewhere to live in England that does not make me debilitated.

Mould needs moisture and cellulose to grow. There is lots of moisture in the air in England, especially in Autumn and winter. I love wood but the people who also have my condition say it's impossible to have wood in a building that won't get mouldy eventually. (Dust can also be a medium in which mould grows lol).

It's been a dream of mine to one day live in a cob house.

In your experience, is it possible to have a mould free cob house? I would steer clear of a straw bale sandwich. I can't see the straw that's in the structure of the cob, being mould free, but are the mould spores (and resultant mycotoxins) trapped within the clay?

I also love the idea of an aga in the kitchen. I think the constant heat in the cold months would dry any moisture from washing and cooking etc. I'm sure it would get too hot and so I would want to have windows open, which is recommended for the circulation of air.

What are your thoughts please?
8 years ago