Tim Wilkinson

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since Feb 20, 2015
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Thekla McDaniels wrote:I have prickly lettuce at my place. The goats love it. It is nutritious, though bitter. I put a leaf or two in a green smoothie or salad. The prickles are for real. If when weeding I get a grip on one of the stems, a prickle can break off in my skin, and when that happens it is a several month process for the skin to clear the prickle.

Now a days this rarely happens, because it's a painful thing to live iwth in the pad of my thumb or finger for that long. Currently I have a couple in my knee. Sonce they do not make gloves for knees, and the prickles get through the heavy denim jeans with reinforced knees, I guess the solution is to get in the habit of kneeling only on a pad.

Thanks in advance to any who want to suggest knee pads. I don't find it possible to wear those all day long for the moment when I kneel to pull an out of place plant.

Volley ball knee pads are the most comfortable
8 years ago
Looks like a really good design man! Check em out. NSW makes really beautiful cast iron stoves. Andrew makes each one himself one at a time, so there is a wait.. But he is also helpful with answering questions..

A 6" pipe is probably a easier pass with insurance guys but i don't know if that would draw right..

I'm interested to see what a "pro" would say about your interesting build.. My buddy is interested in making his own stove too. I have a NSW-2 little cod but haven't fired her up yet. I bought her while I was planning my own tiny house build, now I'm buying a small house with land in the town I grew up and close to work.. Still love the stove though and plan on having installed one way or another.

Good luck!
9 years ago
Sorry for double posting. I blame wi-fi and technicalbobbery
9 years ago
Hi Darren,
Cool project!

Navigator stove works makes a stove about the same exact size as the one your making, and it uses 4" piping and they are very efficient good burning stoves.. However 4" insulated pipe for wood stove usually has to be ordered.

Go to www.marinestove.com there is all kinds of info in the manual section as well as the forum there..

Maybe you could use 6" (the most popular) I would ask Andrew at NSW first.
9 years ago
Navigator stove works makes a stove about the same exact size as the one your making, and it uses 4" piping and they are very efficient good burning stoves.. However 4" insulated pipe for wood stove usually has to be ordered.

Go to www.marinestove.com there is all kinds of info in the manual section as well as the forum there..
9 years ago
I'm curious if any other members have one of these stoves from Navigator.
If so how are you using yours? At sea or on land? In your house or shop? Kitchen, bedroom, or living area?

Any discussion would be greatly appreciated.

I had ordered one back when I was planning a camper/ tinyhouse build. Since than I have relised that there is really no where within 20m of my job that I could legally live fulltime in a tinyhouse, and not draw attention. I'm in the Philadelphia suburbs of south jersey where it is densely populated and just about everything is illegal..

So, I have found a small house on an acre I am in the process of buying. It already has a brick fireplace centrally located in the house.. Once I move in I am considering installing my NSW2 infront of the fireplace and than maybe install a larger stove in the basement vented up through the chimney where the nsw2 will tap into it, but really not sure yet..

Any thoughts on this perspective install would also be greatly appreciated .
9 years ago
Come to think of it.. If you had enough lilies and maybe some other water plants, they would thrive off of the muck.
9 years ago
That is a decent size pond and it's pretty deep. Deeper than an average koi pond... And considering I don't think the ducks will spend ALL of their time in it, and they will eventually go off to find a bigger pond and other ducks... It may be ok. Do you have a filter? I run a sand pool filter with my pond a couple hours a day during the season to help with all the fish and frog muck.

Back to the lilies... Again I'm not a "duck guy" but I don't think they would eat the leaves or flowers, I would be more afraid of them uprooting the rhizomes and eating the roots.

9 years ago
It really is all up to you and what use you want out of a tree. Pretty much any tree can be manicured and trained to fill the spot intended. If starting with a small tree, just don't cut it up too much right away. Make it a work in process. (Photosynthesis)

I recommend walking around different, nurseries, parks, gardens, and garden centers, and find a tree that speaks to you or one you may fall in love with.

I love all trees. Flowering, fruiting, nut bearing, coniferous, Deciduous... I love em all.
It seems like every year I fall in love with a different tree and I have to have 1 or 3.

As of lately Cryptomeria japonica yoshino has been my love affair.

If in 6-20 years the tree is getting too big, trim it or cut it down and start over.
9 years ago

Six inches of wood mulch is way too much. You will have all kinds of mold, fungus, and diseases growing in there and it could become matted down and prevent water from penetrating the soil.
2-3" is best and will save you a lot of money and headaches.
9 years ago