george catalin

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since Feb 21, 2015
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Recent posts by george catalin

Ok . It is a good choiss .
What about the wall ?
1 year ago
Sorry, everyone.
The owner of the house will be gone 10 days . My friend will teke a break during this time to this work only .
It will transport materials to the new location , where he will build a new stove on two levels. Stove 2 in one and also both level will have separate firebox .
Down stove should be able to heat both levels , top stove will heat occasionally .
Will be black oven , two exhanger 25kw bot , boiler with coil 300 litres and buffer 1000 litres .
For me, the project itself will not be easy to make it , but to cut hundreds of refractory bricks ... wow !!!
I'll be back with new images of the work after the break .
Best wishes from Romania !
4 years ago
In addition to the changes already made , I will try to divide the primary air from the ashes in two parts .
One part will follow the usual ashes to firebox  route through the grille .
The second part will cross a parallelipipedic tube towards the back of the ashes and become secondary air , from the moment he starts to climb towards the catalyst .
The mobile iron plate will be operated manually or by automatic chain  adjustment .
4 years ago
With another old arrangement ...
With out artificial vent . I steel try to find the best wood gasification combustion for long time possible . No mass heater , just a buffer 1000 litres .
In a smoke channels I am using helical flatbar .
4 years ago
I used several arrangements in the firebox.
4 years ago
Good afternoon .
What must be the shape of the firebox in order to be possible  to use the Intensifire system ?
Is this system suitable in the wood boiler ?
How to improve a wood boiler combustion ?
I've used several arrangements on the inside, but I always win and lose something , win better combustion but lose power .
Also lower temperature at the chimney , which is not necessarily an advantage ...
4 years ago
Today ...
After the stove will  be close , my friend will start a small fire to dry the masonry and to test the fire box .
All masonry stove will be covered with two layers of clay  , 50-60mm thickness .
4 years ago
It's just an idea...
4 years ago